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Hooray! We’re looking forward to Camp CanDO 2025 for both siblings and patients! On-Line Registration for Camp 2025 is now open.

Sibling Camp will be:  Sunday – Thursday, June 15-19, 2025.
Patient Camp will be: Sunday – Saturday, August 3-9, 2025.

(Staff Orientations are held the day before camp sessions open.)

Patient Camp is for children between the ages of 8 to 17 who have been diagnosed with cancer in the last 5 years. Sibling Camp is for kids ages 8 to 17 whose brother or sister has been diagnosed with cancer. Sibling Campers must be 5 or older at the time of their brother or sister’s diagnosis.

Anyone 19 and older who has graduated high school can apply to be a counselor at Sibling Camp. You must be 21 to apply to be a counselor at Patient Camp. If you are 19 or 20, you may apply to be a part of our LT (Leadership Training) program.

Camp Can Do takes place at Gretna Glen Camp & Retreat Center, located in Mt. Gretna, PA. Visit the Gretna Glen web site at

While it costs about $1,100 to send a child to camp, all costs are covered by generous donations from supporters of Camp Can Do. Our families pay nothing.

Volunteer Pediatric Oncology doctors and nurses are available around-the-clock to administer routine chemotherapy, arrange for blood counts, handle medical emergencies that may arise, and adjust any program to meet campers’ needs.
The Camp Can Do committee carefully selects and trains qualified staff members to ensure the safety of all campers. Staff members include Camp Directors and Assistant Directors, physicians, oncology nurses, and camp counselors.
The ratio of campers to counselors is 2:1 so that we can ensure the safest environment and provide individual attention for each of our children.

You can donate on-line or you can send a check payable to Camp Can Do to:
Camp Can Do 2014, Inc.
67 Golf Club Drive
Langhorne, PA 19047

Click here to donate on-line.

Gretna Glen’s facilities are completely wheelchair accessible. We use golf carts to get our campers wherever they need to go.

Here’s what our campers want to know:

There are so many activities at camp; it’s hard to list them all! Some choices are:

  • Swimming
  • Boating
  • Fishing
  • Outdoor cooking
  • Adventure challenge (high and low ropes courses)
  • The look (pampering and beauty!)
  • Sports
  • Music
  • Dance
  • Archery
  • Weird science
  • Pine car derby
  • Rocketry
  • Nature exploring
  • Photography & multimedia
  • Arts & crafts
  • Plus lots more!
Each camper will receive a list of suggested items to pack before coming to camp. We discourage campers bringing cell phones and other technology to camp as we believe it takes away from the camp experience.
We eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner in our dining hall, and we eat family style! Snacks and drinks are also provided throughout the day. We make every effort to accommodate campers with dietary restrictions.
Nestled in the woods are seven cabins that house campers. Each heated cabin has one bunk room that sleeps 14. Located centrally to the cabins, but separate, is a modern shower house that includes individual heated showers. There is an eighth cabin, Wesley Lodge, that is a two-story cabin and includes 10 beds in the upstairs level in addition to 14 beds on the ground floor. Wesley Lodge sleeps a total of 24.
Our counselors, doctors and nurses are the best! They know just what to do when you aren’t feeling so great. Our air-conditioned infirmary offers a quiet place to rest until you feel ready to get back out there!
That’s ok! You will make new friends right away at Camp Can Do. We have had plenty of campers who didn’t know anyone when they first came to camp, but by the time they left they had made a new best friend for life! Our counselors know just how to help you meet everyone.
Boys have male counselors, and girls have female counselors. Some of our counselors were once campers at Camp Can Do, and had cancer when they were young. They all love camp and are there to help you stay safe and have fun.

All campers and volunteers must complete a Registration Form in order to attend camp. Registration for Camp 2025 is now open.

Here’s what our counselors and medical staffers want to know:

Anyone 19 and older who has graduated high school can apply to be a counselor at Sibling Camp. You must be 21 to apply to be a counselor at Patient Camp. If you are 19 or 20, you may apply to be a part of our LT (Leadership Training) program. We prefer nurses who have both pediatric and oncology experience, though exceptions may be made.

Also, all adult volunteers at camp are required by Pennsylvania law to submit the proper PA Child Abuse Clearance Forms to Camp Can Do before the start of camp.

Yes, Pennsylvania law requires EVERY ADULT  at camp to have the proper Child Abuse Clearances. Please click below to download applications for these mandatory clearances or for links to apply for the clearances on-line.

Please apply for these as soon as possible. The review process may take some time, and government bureaus get very busy during the spring months. Please email all clearance approvals to Camp Can Do at:

1. PA State Police (PSP) Criminal Record Check (Form SP 4-164)   (Must be updated every year.)
Please note: You can also apply for this clearance on-line. Simply go to: and click the “Submit a New Record Check (Volunteers Only)” Follow the instructions and then save the “Certification” page and email it to Camp Can Do at:

2. Child Abuse History Clearance (DPW) (Form CY-113)  (Must be updated every five years.)
Please note: This clearance can also be obtained online at the PA Child Welfare Portal at This requires you to create an online account. Also, when indicating “Purpose of the Clearance”, be sure to indicate “Volunteer.” Email completed Clearance to to Camp Can Do at:

3. Voluntary Disclosure Statement (American Camp Association – ACA)   (Must be updated every year.)

4. Camp Can Do Volunteer Reference Form   (Two personal references required.) (Must be updated every year.)

5. FBI Background Check  (Must be updated every five years.)
Fingerprint is required
for volunteers who have lived outside the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the last ten (10) years. An estimated $21.35 dollar fee is required. Please pay this when you apply. Request a receipt. Send receipt to Camp Can Do and the fee will be reimbursed to you by Camp Can Do.

To schedule your fingerprint please go to the following website ( You will be asked to enter the service code. Please enter the following 1KG6ZJ then click go. The best option is the top one where you will Schedule your appointment and register. You can also walk in to an Enrollment Center but this is not recommended. You are not required to pay until at the Enrollment Center. You will receive an email confirmation with appointment time, location, and which format of ID you chose to provide.

You may also choose to get your FBI background check completed by Fieldprint (  The turnaround time for this company is very fast, however there is a much higher cost incurred.  Camp Can Do will not reimburse you for the use of Fieldprint’s services.

If you choose to submit any receipts to the Camp Can Do office for reimbursement, please allow until September 30th to receive your reimbursement check.

Following the printing/submission of prints, the scanned fingerprints will be electronically transmitted to the FBI as required by federal statute. The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (DPW) will receive the Federal Criminal History Record from the FBI. The DPW will send results to the applicant following the verification and screening. This must then be submitted to Camp Can Do.

While at camp, your primary responsibility is to make sure that our campers are safe, involved, and happy. If you have special talents that can enhance their camping experience, we want to know! Good at music? Love soccer? Chances are we have kids that do too. Everyone has a place at Camp Can Do.
To be a counselor or an LT, you do not need any special medical training. Our medical staff will tell you everything you need to know, and will always be available to make sure our campers receive all of the attention they require.
Experience with children is not required, however we love counselors who love kids!
Please remember that our campers are in all different stages of treatment and many campers may be immune-compromised. It is EXTREMELY important that if you have any drainage from ears, nose, mouth or have any open wounds it must be cultured. Camp medical staff must be notified of culture results prior to attending camp.

Our team of nurses distribute medication to our campers as prescribed by each camper’s own physician. Medication distribution is handled with discretion and privacy in mind, and is not made to be the focal point of the children’s camp experience.

Counselors and LT’s sleep in cabins with the campers. Doctors and nurses sleep in the infirmary and are available around the clock in case any medical situation, large or small, should arise.

All campers and volunteers must complete a Registration Form in order to attend camp. On-line registration for Camp 2025 is now open.

Click FAQ #2 above for important information about applying for PA Child Abuse Clearances. These clearances are mandatory under PA law, and we recommend that you apply early. Please email all clearance approvals to Camp Do at:

Here’s what parents want to know:

The Camp Can Do committee carefully selects and trains qualified staff members to ensure the safety of all campers. Staff members include Camp Directors and Assistant Directors, physicians, oncology nurses, and camp counselors. Many of our counselors work with children in other capacities, such as teachers and child life specialists.
The medical team is comprised of a doctor and a team of nurses. Many of our nurses work with the campers year round in the medical centers, and are already familiar with their specific needs.

Our team of nurses distribute medication to our campers as prescribed by each camper’s own physician. Medication distribution is handled with discretion and privacy in mind, and is not made to be the focal point of the children’s camp experience.

All allergies should be listed on the camper’s medical form filled out by their physician prior to coming to camp. Anyone working with your child will be made aware of their allergies and will be educated on how to handle each situation.

In the past, bus transportation has been available as below. We are not yet sure about bus arrangements for 2025.

  • St. Christopher’s: There has been a bus for Sibling Camp and Week 1 Patient Camp only.
  • Lehigh Valley: There has been a bus for Sibling Camp and Week 2 only.
  • DuPont: There has been a bus for Sibling Camp only.

Other campers will need a ride to and from camp.

All campers and volunteers must complete a Registration Form in order to attend camp. On-line registration for Camp 2025 is now open.


Here’s what donors want to know:

It costs about $240,000 to run the programs of Camp Can Do each year.

It costs about $1100 to send a child to camp. Your donation can be designated to be used for a particular activity or purchase, or it can go toward our general camp fund. There is also a wish list published in each of our newsletters.

To be a counselor at camp, you must have all required clearances and fill out an on-line application.

Please click here to register.

There are many other ways you can help Camp Can Do. Perhaps you would like to volunteer to help with a fundraising effort. You may have an idea of a program or activity that you would like to provide for campers. If so, please click here to Contact Us.

All fundraising efforts, large or small, make a big difference! If you want to help raise money for Camp Can Do, but don’t know what to do, please click here to Contact Us, and we will help give you some ideas. There may already be a fundraising campaign going on where you can help.

What is camp like?

What are the campers like?

What does being here mean to the kids?

What do counselors do?

How does camp make you feel?