Please click Donate Button below to make a secure on-line contribution directly to Camp Can Do.

Camp Can Do is an independent organization. We began nearly thirty-five years ago as part of the American Cancer Society, and we are forever grateful to that fine organization. However the state of our national economy created budget shortfalls, and in 2014 the Cancer Society sharpened its focus on cancer research and withdrew its financial commitment to Camp Can Do.
We, the volunteer staff who have for many years managed the camp’s summer sessions, have accepted the challenge keeping Camp Can Do alive to serve children with cancer. Many of us are cancer survivors ourselves. We (or a close friend or sibling) once attended Camp Can Do. We know firsthand the physical and psychological benefits camp gives to a young person battling this terrible disease. And so we established a volunteer Board of Directors and incorporated under the name Camp Can Do 2014, Inc.
There is no charge to the campers who come to Camp Can Do. Battling cancer is enough for any family budget. Our goal is to keep the Camp Can Do experience free for our campers.
Camp Can Do 2014, Inc. is recognized as a non-profit organization by the federal government, and all contributions are tax deductible. (Click here for our 501(c) approval letter.)
Several national foundations and a number of local non-profit organizations have answered our requests and made generous grants to Camp Can Do 2014, Inc. Our continued existence depends on being able to raise the remaining monies needed for rental of the Gretna Glen Camp facilities, food, supplies, insurance, transportation, and so on. We appreciate every contribution, large or small.
Please click above to make a on-line donation to Camp Can Do through PayPal. You may also send personal or corporate checks to:
Camp Can Do 2014, Inc.
67 Golf Club Drive
Langhorne, PA 19047
We acknowledge all gifts, and we thank you on behalf of all the kids, past, present and future, who will find their lives changed for the better by Camp Can Do 2014, Inc.